Raphael×Shamir Support Conversations
C Support
ラファエル: うーむ……。
Raphael: Ugh...
シャミア: 何を唸っている。
Shamir: What's wrong with you?
ラファエル: うおっ!? しゃ、シャミアさん?いつからそこに?
Raphael: Huh?! Uh, Shamir? How long have you been there?
シャミア: さっきからだ。道を塞ぐな、脇に寄れ。
Shamir: Too long. You're blocking my way.
ラファエル: ま、待ってくれ、シャミアさん。あんたに相談があるんだ。
Raphael: W-wait! There's something I wanted to ask you.
シャミア: 相談?……手短にな。
Shamir: Ask? I... just make it quick.
ラファエル: オデ、戦いに出ると、すぐ敵に見つかっちまうんだ。
Raphael: Well, you see, wherever I go into battle, the enemy seems to find me right away. I'm an easy target, but I wanna be able to move around the battlefield without being noticed, like you do! So whaddya think? Would it be possible?
シャミア: ……君、自分の体が大きいせいで見つかると思っていないか?
Shamir: Do you think you're being noticed because of your size?
ラファエル: 思ってるぞ。だって、でかけりゃ目立つだろ?
Raphael: Of course! I'm pretty hard to miss, you know? I thought that was obvious.
シャミア: 違うな。問題なのは気配だ。君は気配が濃すぎる。むさ苦しいほどに。
Shamir: Wrong. It's not your size, it's your presence. It's strong. Almost unbearably so.
ラファエル: 気配?気配なんて、どうにかなんのか?
Raphael: My "presence"? Is that something I can change?
シャミア: 訓練すればな。私の気配を感じたことがあるか?
Shamir: With practice. Maybe. Let me ask you, have you ever felt my presence?
ラファエル: そういや、ねえぞ。だから、さっき、あんたが来ても気づかなかったのか。
Raphael: Now that I think about it, I haven't! That must be why I didn't notice you earlier. But how can I do that? Will you teach me? Please? Please!
シャミア: 気配を消すための、呼吸のやり方がある。君……息は「吸う」と「吐く」を繰り返しているだろ?
Shamir: Fine. There's a breathing technique that masks your presence. When you breathe, are you continuously inhaling, then exhaling?
ラファエル: そりゃそうだ。吸ってばっかじゃ膨らんじまうぞ。
Raphael: Well, of course. That's the best way I know how. I'd explode if I only breathed in!
シャミア: それを「吸う」「吐く」「吐く」にする。鼻で1回吸ったら、口で細かく2回吐く。
Shamir: Right. To minimize your presence, breathe in, then out, then out again. In through the nose, then gently out through the mouth, twice.
ラファエル: すーはくはく、だな?それくらいなら、簡単そうだぞ!
スウウウッ! ハアーっ! ハ…………ンガハッ! 息が続かねえ!
Raphael: In-out-out? That's it? I can definitely do that! (attempts) I-I couldn't do it, Shamir!
シャミア: 出し入れする息の量が多すぎる。限界まで減らせ。
Shamir: Breathe less. Keep it to the absolute minimum.
ラファエル: ………………。………………。……。……ンゴハッ! 最低限がわからねえ!
Raphael: I don't know the minimum!
シャミア: そんなにすぐにはできん。訓練あるのみだ。
Shamir: It'll take some practice.
ラファエル: わ、わかった……。 けど、すーはくはく、できるかなあ……。
Raphael: Sure, sure. I'll keep trying. In-out-out is trickier than it sounds...
B Support
ラファエル: ………………。
Raphael: ... ... My breath!
シャミア: おっと。こんな場所で寝るつもりか。
Shamir: Careful. You're going to make yourself pass out.
ラファエル: ……しゃ、シャミア、さん?す、すまねえ、オデ……。
Raphael: Sh-Shamir? I'm so sorry, I...
シャミア: 私が教えた呼吸か。まだまだだな。
Shamir: Are you trying to breathe like I showed you? Not even close.
ラファエル: すーはくはく、簡単そうで難しいんだなあ……。
Raphael: That in-out-out technique sounds so easy, but it's not easy at all!
シャミア: それはそうだ。私は訓練を積んだから自然にできる。
Shamir: It's only easy for me because I put in the time to practice. You need to practice if you want it to work.
ラファエル: そ、そうなのか……。だけど訓練すりゃ、あんたみてえに?
Raphael: Oh yeah? Really? So I should be able to do it if I just practice?
シャミア: ああ。
Shamir: Yes.
ラファエル: そ、そうかあ……。あんた、さっきも気配、なかった……。
Raphael: I see, I see. You had...no presence... Again...
シャミア: 意識しないと消えるから、たまに不便だ。
Shamir: Yes, sometimes my presence fades without even trying. It can be a nuisance.
ラファエル: お、オデもいつか……あんたみてえに、なって、やる……。
Raphael: One of these days, I'm gonna do it. Just...like...you...
シャミア: 前向きな奴だな。まあ、頑張れ。
Shamir: Seems unlikely, but keep practicing.
ラファエル: あ、ああ……、頑張らせて、もらう……。
Raphael: Y-yeah... Got it... Thanks...
シャミア: だが、人と話しながらはやめておけ。相手が心配する。
Shamir: Stop doing it while you're talking. It's disturbing.
A Support
ラファエル: ……シャーミアさん。
Raphael: Shamir.
シャミア: ……にゃっ!?ら、ラファエルか。
Shamir: Gah! Raphael?
ラファエル: しめしめ、上手くいったぞ!“にゃっ!?”って可愛いんだなあ。
Raphael: All right! That went better than I thought! You make funny sounds when you're scared.
シャミア: チッ……放っておけ。
Shamir: I wasn't scared. Forget that happened. Still, I'm impressed. You managed to sneak up on me. Not many can do that.
ラファエル: すーはくはくの呼吸法、必死に覚えたからなあ。
Raphael: It's 'cause I practiced that in-out-out breathing you showed me! I practiced until I passed out! It was worth it though. I've been able to get real close to enemies without them noticing! I think I pretty much got it figured out. Sneaking up on you is a good sign!
シャミア: ああ。……正直に言えば、侮っていた。
Shamir: True. To be honest, I didn't think you had it in you.
I never thought you'd be able to suppress that unbearably palpable presence of yours.
I respect anyone who could learn so much in such a short period of time.
You might even be ready for a recon mission.
ラファエル: オデとシャミアさんが?ふ、二人っきりで?
Raphael: Recon? With you? And me? Together?
シャミア: 何を驚く。大勢で偵察に行けると思うか。
Shamir: Why the surprise? I said you were ready.
ラファエル: お、おお、そうだな。しかし、シャミアさんと二人なんて。
Raphael: Wow! I never thought I'd get to go scouting with you! I guess that practice really is paying off!
シャミア: フ……。
Shamir: Heh.
ラファエル: あ、シャミアさん、笑ったか?
Raphael: Whoa! Was―was that a smile?
シャミア: 私と行けるのがそんなに嬉しいのか?
Shamir: Calm down, Raphael. Are you really that excited to go with me? Your presence may have dimmed, but your emotions are hitting me like a tidal wave.
ラファエル: そ、そうか……。感情も呼吸の仕方で消せるか?
Raphael: Oh! Sorry! Is there a way to breathe and hide those too?
シャミア: いや、他の訓練が必要だ……。偵察任務、決まったら連絡する。
Shamir: No. That requires different training...from someone else. I'll keep you informed about the recon mission.
ラファエル: お、おう!楽しみに待ってるぞ。
Raphael: OK! Great! Looking forward to it!
A+ Support
シャミア: 偵察は終了だ。戻るぞ。
Shamir: Mission complete. We're done here.
ラファエル: おう、帰って報告だな。
Raphael: Let's report back.
シャミア: ラファエル、お疲れ。
Shamir: Well done out there, Raphael.
ラファエル: オデ、どうだった?気配、駄々漏れてなかったかあ?
Raphael: Did I do good? My presence wasn't too leaky or anything?
シャミア: まだ完璧とは言えんが……
Shamir: You weren't perfect... But you were good enough. The enemy didn't notice you, and that's all that counts. You should do well in battle too.
ラファエル: おう、ありがとなあ!シャミアさん、何かお礼させてくれよ。
Raphael: Aww yeah! Thanks for taking me on the mission with you, Shamir! Now, how can I repay you?
シャミア: 礼など要らん。
Shamir: Please. There's no need.
ラファエル: そんなこと言うなって。何がいい?オデにできることなら何でも……。
Raphael: Aww, come on! Don't be like that! I swear, I'll do whatever I can to―
シャミア: だったら、そのままでいろ。それで十分だ。
Shamir: OK. If you insist, then go back to the way you were. That's enough for me.
ラファエル: そのままで?何だよ、それ?
Raphael: I don't get it.
シャミア: 戦場では気配を消せるようになった。だが、平時は……。
Shamir: You're now able to go undetected on the battlefield, but usually you―
ラファエル: ああ、まだ意識しないとできねえんだ。いっつも気配消せるように頑張るぞ。
Raphael: Ah! I know! I spend too much energy trying to hide my presence. I gotta train more so it comes naturally!
シャミア: いや、そこを頑張るなと言っている。君の気配は、仲間に安息をもたらす。
Shamir: I was actually going to suggest the opposite. Your presence is a comfort to your allies. I am also more comfortable knowing that you are around.
ラファエル: そ、そうか!? じゃあシャミアさん、今日からオデがずっと一緒に!
Raphael: Really? If that's how you feel, then we gotta stick together! We can eat meals together, train together, hang out together, or―
シャミア: ……そんなことは頼んでいない。君はとことん極端だな。
Shamir: No. No, no, no. I mean...that won't be necessary.
ラファエル: そ、そうなのか?
Raphael: Oh. All right. I guess I'll leave you alone, then...
シャミア: ま、君が近くにいたいなら、好きにすればいいが。
Shamir: That's...not what I meant either. I won't stop you if you wish to continue working with me. Let's do recon again sometime.
ラファエル: お、おう!楽しみにしてるぞ、シャミアさん!
Raphael: Really? That's great! I can't wait!